Quorum ensures your snapshots are safe and secure.
“Over the past 2 years, we have had 3 Ransomware attacks, mostly caused by employees opening documents with infected attachments that looked legitimate. We were able to isolate and recover the infected servers in a matter of minutes. I can honestly say, without Quorum, we would not be in business today.”
– Confidential Oil and Gas Client
How to Mitigate a Ransomware Disaster with Quorum
In the case of a ransomware infection, this is where the onQ and Quorum Clean Room Test Network can really help! First, the IT team isolates the affected system to prevent the spread of the infection. Then onQ can be leveraged to find the last known good snapshot that’s free from ransomware. Then, the IT team selects it from the onQ and spin up that uninfected version. Once fully booted, the Quorum Appliance becomes your production server and is ready to take over for the failed server(s), until you can plan a failback at a more suitable time. Below are the steps in detail.
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