Contacting Us
Emergency phone support coverage available 24 x 7 x 365 days a year. Email coverage capabilities from 6am to 6pm US Pacific Time during normal US business days (excluding major US holidays and weekends).
Please provide the following when contacting support:
- Your name, company, phone, email
- onQ software version
- Protected Node software version (if applicable)
- Appliance unit tag information (if a hardware issue)
- Problem description
- Problem frequency and history
- Problem impact assessment
- Text of any error messages
- Steps taken so far to troubleshoot the problem
Customer Support Guidelines
Calls should always be answered within 60 seconds under normal call volumes.
Customer Support will provide active support for the previous major version (i.e. 2.x, 3.x) for a minimum of one year from the release of the next major version.
Portal updates, voicemail and emails will be responded to within one business day.
Quorum Customer Support Plans do not include initial appliance installation services. These services are provided within the QuickStart service, at an additional charge. Please contact your Quorum representative for more details on this service.
Customer Support Plans do not provide technical support for third-party products, like Protected Node hardware/software or networking equipment. However, we will help identify issues with these products in the course of diagnosing problems that affect your onQ appliance. You will then be responsible for working with the third-party vendor to resolve the problem with their product.
QuickStart Service
onQ QuickStart Service is an essential ingredient to rapid implementation of your onQ solution. Delivered by Quorum or a Quorum Certified Partner, the QuickStart Service encompasses all the tasks necessary to install and deploy your onQ appliances. Online training is included as well.
Installation professionals will walk you through the first-time process of installing and configuring your appliances to protect up to three servers: and assist you in planning for protection of all remaining servers in your datacenter.
onQ QuickStart online training consists of two separate sessions designed to provide you with a solid base of knowledge with respect to onQ appliance architecture and features. Additionally, we will cover some of the initial configurations, live server and data recovery and basic problem solving techniques.
onQ QuickStart online training consists of two separate sessions designed to provide you with a solid base of knowledge with respect to onQ appliance architecture and features. Additionally, we will cover some of the initial configurations, live server and data recovery and basic problem solving techniques.
The second onQ QuickStart online session allows you to review the status of the initial configuration, ask questions and receive additional training on the various recovery scenarios with an opportunity to do a real file-level recovery. We will also review the procedure of relocating the Disaster Recovery (DR) appliance without disrupting the connection between the High Availability (HA) and Disaster Recovery (DR) appliances. Finally, you will be setup with an online account allowing you to have direct access to support in case issues arise after the onQ QuickStart process is completed.
- Kickoff meeting to establish goals and timelines
- Configuration of appliances
- Installation of the onQ Agent on up to three servers with initiation of protection
- Initial backup and RN creation on the HA appliance
- Initial data synchronization and RN creation on the DR appliance
- Testing RNs within the onQ test network, including configuration of the RN Self-Test schedule
- Training for up to three members of the team – delivered remotely
- Review of best practices
- Review of HA failover and recovery procedures
- Creation of the DR capacity plan
- Review of DR failover and recovery procedures
- Creation of a plan to complete configuration and protection of remaining servers
- Final meeting to ensure goals have been met