Fast & Flexible Data Backup & Recovery is Just the Tip of the Iceberg

A scalable hardware appliance, virtual machine, or a cloud service (DRaaS), onQ can be easily configured to fit your needs.

Our product is the fastest on the market, and with 1-click instant recovery we get you back up and running instantly!

Our technology was born out of military use to keep missile tracking systems in-sync. That means there is no margin for error – with no hand-holding or extra specialists required.

Need a customized solution?

From local appliance to DRaaS and high availability, Quorum has it all.

We could be your “one and only”

Quorum onQ: flexible and configurable to meet all your data backup and disaster recovery needs

Private Cloud DRaaS

A simple graphic of two overlapping green clouds, with one cloud slightly darker and in the foreground, and the other lighter and partially visible behind it. The clouds have a flat design with smooth edges.

Snapshots are sent to the Quorum cloud creating a virtual clone in the cloud.

onQ Local

Green background with minimalistic design featuring a short horizontal line on the left and three vertical lines of varying heights on the right. The lines are simple and thin, creating a balanced and clean composition.

Quorum’s patented onQ technology provides onsite HA.

Archive Vault

A control panel featuring a minimalistic design with symbols including horizontal lines, a central target-like circle with outer lines, and three parallel vertical bars on the right side. The panel has a muted grey color scheme.

Archive Vault can be extended to more than 200 TBs across 8 disk storage modules; or add multiple modules for unlimited growth potential.

Years in Business


Ransomware Infections


Recovery Time

~5 mins.

Trusted by the world’s fastest growing companies:

Logo of AC Controls Company. The logo features the initials "ACC" with a stylized design of a blue square and white dial on the left. Below the initials, the full company name "AC Controls Company" is written in blue text.
Logo of Hotel Emma with a brown and white emblem on the left side featuring intricate designs and the letters "H" and "E". To the right, the text "HOTEL" is written in uppercase with horizontal lines on either side, and "EMMA" is written below in larger uppercase letters.
Century Savings Bank logo with the text 'CENTURY SAVINGS BANK' in bold letters and 'Since 1865' in a smaller, cursive font below.
Logo of the California Bankers Association. The logo features the letters "cba" in a stylized orange font, with "CALIFORNIA BANKERS ASSOCIATION" written in gray capital letters to the right.
The image shows the Nisa logo, with the word "Nisa" in large blue letters. A rainbow arch flows from the "N" to the "a". Below, in smaller blue text, it reads, "Making a Difference Locally".
Logo of Bear Valley Community Healthcare District. "Bear Valley" is in large, black uppercase letters with a blue icon resembling a pinecone or flower above the "V". Below it, in smaller blue uppercase letters, are the words "Community Healthcare District.

We could be your “one and only”.

See why customers love Quorum.

Century Savings Bank logo with the text 'CENTURY SAVINGS BANK' in bold letters and 'Since 1865' in a smaller, cursive font below.

“In under 2 hours, we completed a bare metal restore…”

In under 2 hours, we completed a bare metal restore from the local Quorum server and went home and got some sleep. The next morning came and no one even knew the PDC for the entire institution died the night prior.

A person with a short beard wearing a gray flat cap and a black shirt is looking at the camera with a slight smile. The background appears to be outdoors, featuring a blurred green lawn and a building.

William Estlow

Network Manager – Century Savings Bank

Logo of AC Controls Company. The logo features the initials "ACC" with a stylized design of a blue square and white dial on the left. Below the initials, the full company name "AC Controls Company" is written in blue text.

“I was able to restore the data within 30 minutes.”

In February of 2018, a network share containing crucial financial data was accidentally deleted. The share was part of a backup on one of our servers. I was able to restore the data within 30 minutes, minimizing the business impact to the initial loss.

A middle-aged man with short, graying hair, a beard, and mustache wearing rectangular glasses and a dark suit jacket over a white shirt. He is looking straight at the camera with a neutral expression against a plain background.

Kevin Staley

MIS Admin – AC Controls Company

Logo of Hotel Emma with a brown and white emblem on the left side featuring intricate designs and the letters "H" and "E". To the right, the text "HOTEL" is written in uppercase with horizontal lines on either side, and "EMMA" is written below in larger uppercase letters.

“The ‘Set it and forget it’ reliability and uptime is amazing.”

Quorum is seamlessly integrated with my network, and the ‘set it and forget it’ system reliability and system uptime are just amazing.

A person with short dark hair and a trimmed beard and mustache is smiling at the camera. They are wearing a light-colored collared shirt and are set against a plain white background.

Gabriel Longoria

Director of IT – Hotel Emma

Logo of the California Bankers Association. The logo features the letters "cba" in a stylized orange font, with "CALIFORNIA BANKERS ASSOCIATION" written in gray capital letters to the right.

“We like that Quorum operates the DR site.”

We like that Quorum operates the DR site, since it minimizes management of a DR site for us and is much more cost-effective than if we had to maintain it ourselves.

A man with short, dark hair smiles at the camera. He is wearing a checkered shirt and is standing against a plain, light-colored background.

Randy Mateo

IT Manager – CA Bankers Association

Logo of Bear Valley Community Healthcare District. "Bear Valley" is in large, black uppercase letters with a blue icon resembling a pinecone or flower above the "V". Below it, in smaller blue uppercase letters, are the words "Community Healthcare District.

“Quorum is ridiculously easy to learn…”

Quorum is ridiculously easy to learn how to operate. To be able to operate this effectively out of restore and backup, is incredible. I think it’s a very elegant solution, a very well thought out and a very well-designed solution.

A middle-aged man with short, light-colored hair wearing a light blue dress shirt and patterned tie smiles at the camera against a neutral background.

Jon Booth

Director of IT – Bear Valley Community Health

A green and white logo for "LCL Bulk Transport Inc." featuring bold, stylized text. The words "LCL" are at the top, "BULK" in the middle, and "TRANSPORT INC." across a broad, horizontal section at the bottom, all within a triangular frame.

“It was very easy to deploy – the easiest ever.”

It was very easy to deploy – the easiest ever. The support was great, too, But it was knowing we were protected that was so invaluable.

Black and white portrait of a man with short hair and a beard, wearing a zip-up jacket, and looking directly at the camera with a slight smile. The background is plain, and the lighting highlights his facial features.

Bo Heinemeyer

Director of Technology – LCL Bulk Transport Inc.

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