A case study document for PetroCard, featuring a green and grey color theme. The text highlights how PetroCard improved business operations with Quorum’s BDR service. There is a customer testimonial on the right side emphasizing high service expectations and the importance of avoiding IT outages.

Business Challenges:

“Outages aren’t allowed,” network administrator Patrick Emerick said bluntly. “Our customers are large fleets and they expect a high level of service and reliability. An IT outage means we can’t service them—and they can’t get what they need to run their businesses.”

Downtime has other negative repercussions that directly impact PetroCard. “We lose our site and we lose our ability to communicate with our locations,” Emerick explained. “The other problem is that we don’t have a lot of breathing room. We have to pay for our fuel in three days. If we’re down, we can’t bill customers and we can’t get reimbursed.”

These challenges tasked the PetroCard IT team with a formidable task: maintaining flawless uptime and achieving rapid recovery. Unfortunately, their backup and disaster recovery solution presented multiple obstacles.