Cover of a whitepaper by Quorum titled "Why Not All Disaster Recovery Appliances Are the Same." The cover features an arrangement of metallic spheres, with one green sphere standing out among the silver ones. Text includes "Beware of 'Fake' Appliances" and Quorum branding.

A true recovery appliance is designed for ease of installation and operation. Both the hardware and software technologies should be pre-integrated so that it can be plugged into a network and begin working almost immediately with little effort and minimal expertise needed. In a nutshell, an appliance should be a turnkey, all-in-one solution that integrates everything needed to protect and quickly recover data in the event of a disaster, making it simple for virtually anyone in the company to operate. In other
words, it should just plain work!

We cover 5 questions to ask your Recovery Vendor, and take a detailed look at each.