Cover of a guide titled "How to Prepare for Disaster Recovery." The subtitle reads "A Step-by-Step Guide for Businesses to Efficiently Respond to Unexpected Incidents." There is an image of a tornado, and the name "Quorum" with the tagline "1-Click Instant Recovery.

A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a comprehensive plan to anticipate, prepare for and recover from disasters such as natural disasters, cyber-attacks, or major system outages. It details the necessary resources, processes, and steps to ensure the continuity of services, data, and operations in the event of an unexpected event. The purpose of a DRP is to minimize the potential negative impact of an incident and ensure business continuity.

The contents of a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) vary depending on the type of disaster and the potential consequences. In this whitepaper, you’ll find a list of items to cover as part of your planning – from processes and systems to data monitoring and testing.